Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven is, without a doubt, one of the most famous composers in history. He was a music prodigy, and his father was quick to use it to his advantage. Ludwig’s father was also his first music teacher, although not the most suitable one – courtesy of alcoholism. Because he was also an insomniac, he used to wake up little Ludwig in the middle of the night and forced him to play the piano. He believed that his son is a prodigy just like another famous miraculous composer, Mozart. According to the rumour, he organized a concert, and he wrote on the poster, that Ludwig is six years old – although he was already seven. Later on, Ludwig was taught by composer Christian Gottlob Neffe and later by Joseph Haydn or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Despite being born in Bonn and most of his life living in Vienna, Beethoven visited Bratislava for seven days in 1796 after accepting an invitation from the noble family Keglevič. In their palace on Panska street, he taught Anna Lujza Barbora Keglevič, nicknamed Baetta. One of the conditions for Beethoven to teach piano play was the exceptional talent of his future pupil. He refused to waste time with untalented students without potential, no matter their family wealth or influence. It is said that young Babette charmed Beethoven and the famous composer dedicated Sonata for piano No. 4 Es dur, Op 7 or Piano Concerto No. 1 C dur. He also played several private concerts in the palace.
Around that time he had started to hear a high-pitched noise in his ears, which was a sign of his degrading hearing. Aside from Bratislava, he had also visited Piešťany, Hlohovec and Dolná Krupa. Invited by the noble family Brunsvik to Dolna Krupa, it was supposed to be a place where he composed the famous Moonlight Sonata. Aside from composing he had also taught young noblewomen and niece of baron Jozef Brunsvik, Julietta Guiccardi, for whom the Moonlight sonata was supposedly composed. However, as not a nobleman himself, Beethoven lived in a gardener’s house – later transformed into a house dedicated to the composer with a small exposition. A rumour goes that the house used to have a window, which was bricked in because the composer used it to flirt with young noblewomen, including the count’s wife.
Surprisingly, Beethoven was popular among women – despite his unpleasant nature, most likely a result of his health problems and rough childhood. Perhaps the type of brooding musician has always been attracted to women, even from higher social classes. It is said that some women fainted during concerts even back then – who knows If it was because of tight corsets or the aphrodisiacal effect of beautiful music, known for centuries.
So If you would walk down Panska street or make a trip to Dolna Krupa, try to remember the genius composer, who dedicated his to music and although his life was not an easy one, he had never given up on hope.