Oliver Kríž
Focus on the area: Jewish Bratislava
Language: SK | EN
Contact: +421 903 29 66 77
Email: oliver@kriz.sk
Focus on the area: Jewish Bratislava
Language: SK | EN
Contact: +421 903 29 66 77
Email: oliver@kriz.sk
Focus on the area: Musical Bratislava
Language: SK | DE | EN
Contact: +421 904 983 067
mail: zgodarova@gmail.com
Focus on the area: Scientists from Pressburg
Language: SK | EN | FR
Tel.: +421 905 740 179
Email: lubka1961@hotmail.be
Focus on the area: Bratislava Running Tour
Language: SK | EN
Tel.: +421 905 809 300
Email: katestanik@gmail.com