
Bratislava metro

Bratislava metro

illusion or future?

It's Monday morning, you make your morning coffee, enjoy breakfast, set yourself up for a good mood wave and start your week in a positive vibe. You get in the car and there it falls on you, the stress of traveling to work. Congested roads, nervous drivers, honking, standing at red lights, surrounded by bustle and nervousness. And that eternal dilemma of where to park. But you know that? And the thought runs through your head, "if only Bratislava had a metro, travel would be easier!" Continue

Slovak National Gallery - Treasures of Art by the Danube

Slovak National Gallery - Treasures of Art by the Danube

The Slovak National Gallery attracts an increasing number of tourists with its location by the Danube and its historical appearance. All art lovers would agree that it is one of the most significant cultural symbols of Slovakia. Let's take a look together at one of the largest and most famous galleries in Slovakia! Read the full article. Continue

Bratislava Markets

Bratislava Markets

Location of Bratislava at the ford of the Danube River and close to the big centres of the then Monarchy predestined Bratislava to become an important business centre. Continue

Executions in Bratislava

Executions in Bratislava

Centre of ever town is its main square around which a city was slowly growing bigger. Bratislava is not an exception with its historical centre is concentrated around the simply called Main Square. Beside craft fairs, theatre performances, or other merrily events happening there it was a place for administration of justice as a warning for other citizens. Continue

Bratislava Bunkers

Bratislava Bunkers

Bratislava, as a strategically important city of Austria-Hungary, and later Czechoslovakia, needed proper protection. Within a part of protective defence, a complex of fortification was built, including army bunkers. In this article you will find out where are they located and which of them you can visit today. Continue

Bratislava Bridges

Bratislava Bridges

Important cities are usually built along important rivers. For a long time there wasn´t any permanent bridge to the other side in Bratislava. As the city was growing bigger, and most importantly the number of its inhabitants was rapidly growing bigger, the number of bridges over the Danube River, for now, stopped at the number five. Old Bridge, SNP Bridge, Apollo Bridge, Lafranconi Bridge, and Harbour Bridge. Continue

Medicine in Bratislava

Medicine in Bratislava

Our capital has been a centre for intellectuals and offered good conditions for development of one of the oldest and most valued scientific branches – medicine. Many rulers, and later governments, supported literate and religious social classes and so that indirectly elevated the living standards even for the poorest, who were dependent on the help of other people. Even Bratislava specialists kept up with the progress of the world medicine so they could take good care of the health of townsmen. Continue

Coffee and Wine – Favourite Drinks of Bratislava

Coffee and Wine – Favourite Drinks of Bratislava

In many countries were Cafés popular centres for amusement and social life, where younger and older intellectuals could meet. Even though the cafés were popular amongst intellectuals, together with pubs and inns ranked among the “list of institutions” which the sovereign together with a part of the enlightened nobility considered deteriorating and decadent. Continue

Grassalkovich Palace – representative presidential residence

Grassalkovich Palace – representative presidential residence

Every country attempt to place their presidential residence to the most representative and opulent building – Slovakia is not an exception. The noble rococo palace located closely to the historical city centre is more than appropriate for this purpose. A pleasant garden accessible to wide public helps its popularity. Continue

The first witch trial in Pressburg

The first witch trial in Pressburg

Superstitions played an important role in human life since the dawn of civilization. But to torture a person on the rack and beheaded him because he cut a part of the hangman’s clothes and genitals, so he can use them for a potion to heal sweating mares and bloated cows? Or bury alive a scared seduced maid, who strangled her child out of fear to be judged by society? Continue
