Graphics UFO
Beautiful, romantic, unforgettable... This is also our Bratislava. Whether it is lived love or a nice experience.
Gallantry is a virtue, like ballet in everyday life. Or like a UFO hovering over the Danube. Why is it here? Because Bratislava is so charming that even aliens have fallen in love with it.
Be inspired and fall in love too. More
If you like one of the motifs, you can purchase a graphic in A5 format (15 cm wide and 21 cm high), or even together with a frame that can be stuck, for example, on a wall, furniture or door.
The base material of the graphics is 350 gram high-quality matte paper with coated laminate and 3D raised varnish in the selected part of the graphic motif.
The story linking to the graphic is on the back.

Lasica and Satinský - uncrowned kings of humour
When you say L+S in Bratislava, most of the people will automatically connect it with a little studio in Hotel Tatra near Hodža Square and with two theatre legends: Milan Lasica and Július Satinský. Both men have earned their place in the hearts of many Slovak and Czech people for making them laugh for many years. Continue

Bratislava Bridges
Important cities are usually built along important rivers. For a long time there wasn´t any permanent bridge to the other side in Bratislava. As the city was growing bigger, and most importantly the number of its inhabitants was rapidly growing bigger, the number of bridges over the Danube River, for now, stopped at the number five. Old Bridge, SNP Bridge, Apollo Bridge, Lafranconi Bridge, and Harbour Bridge. Continue

Slovak National Theatre
A capital city cannot be short of representative buildings and institutions – one of these is undoubtedly a National Theatre. We can be lucky that we have many first-rate actors and directors here in Slovakia, that always able to lure as to theatre performance.Ever since we were little kids, schools organized excursions and visits to regional and county theatres. It is true, however, that many of us may not like it and as little kids we were bored there, but dozens of stylishly dressed people in front of two distinctive buildings in Bratislava assure us that love to theatres may display in adulthood. Continue

Bratislava Bunkers
Bratislava, as a strategically important city of Austria-Hungary, and later Czechoslovakia, needed proper protection. Within a part of protective defence, a complex of fortification was built, including army bunkers. In this article you will find out where are they located and which of them you can visit today. Continue

Coffee and Wine – Favourite Drinks of Bratislava
In many countries were Cafés popular centres for amusement and social life, where younger and older intellectuals could meet. Even though the cafés were popular amongst intellectuals, together with pubs and inns ranked among the “list of institutions” which the sovereign together with a part of the enlightened nobility considered deteriorating and decadent. Continue

Nedbalka Gallery
The historical centre of Bratislava hides more than one hidden gem. One of them is a private gallery of modern art hiding in narrow street with an inconspicuous entrance but even more impressive interior and art collection. Continue

The first witch trial in Pressburg
Superstitions played an important role in human life since the dawn of civilization. But to torture a person on the rack and beheaded him because he cut a part of the hangman’s clothes and genitals, so he can use them for a potion to heal sweating mares and bloated cows? Or bury alive a scared seduced maid, who strangled her child out of fear to be judged by society? Continue