Magnet Beethoven
The king of symphonies always likes to return to Bratislava. It is said to be more beautiful and more developed every year. He loves its atmosphere, its people and, of course, its ice cream.
When he doesn't feel like creating, he has a scoop or two and that's it! Ice cream gets him into a creative flow.
That's how the most beautiful songs are composed. Clear proof that even the classics can be done with ease and humour. More
Quality resin magnets on a base of linden wood, creating a 3D effect, can be a nice memory in Bratislava for your friends and acquaintances, as a gift with inspiration.
Each magnet has its own original story. The magnets have the same size and shape, 5.5 cm wide and 8.5 cm long with rounded edges.
They are also intended for collectors who appreciate the unique processing of motifs.
The quality of the magnets is underlined by the special brightness and brilliance of the colors.

Ludwig Van Beethoven
(16.12.1770 – 26.3.1827)
If you have ever played the piano, you have most likely had the pleasure of meeting Ludwig van Beethoven. Although not personally, tunes of his famous sonatas and symphonies are world-famous and you have most likely heard them despite not sharing his love of playing the piano. Just try to search for his name on youtube or try to type in words such as Fur Elise, Moonlight sonata or Symphony no. 5 and you will recognize those tunes immediately. Continue

Lasica and Satinský - uncrowned kings of humour
When you say L+S in Bratislava, most of the people will automatically connect it with a little studio in Hotel Tatra near Hodža Square and with two theatre legends: Milan Lasica and Július Satinský. Both men have earned their place in the hearts of many Slovak and Czech people for making them laugh for many years. Continue

Bratislava Bridges
Important cities are usually built along important rivers. For a long time there wasn´t any permanent bridge to the other side in Bratislava. As the city was growing bigger, and most importantly the number of its inhabitants was rapidly growing bigger, the number of bridges over the Danube River, for now, stopped at the number five. Old Bridge, SNP Bridge, Apollo Bridge, Lafranconi Bridge, and Harbour Bridge. Continue

The First Helicopter Flight in the World
More than once Bratislava became a place where the history was changing and one of these milestones was the first flight of a helicopter in the world. What were the circumstances and who stood behind this significant event? Continue to read this article for answers.

Slovak National Theatre
A capital city cannot be short of representative buildings and institutions – one of these is undoubtedly a National Theatre. We can be lucky that we have many first-rate actors and directors here in Slovakia, that always able to lure as to theatre performance.Ever since we were little kids, schools organized excursions and visits to regional and county theatres. It is true, however, that many of us may not like it and as little kids we were bored there, but dozens of stylishly dressed people in front of two distinctive buildings in Bratislava assure us that love to theatres may display in adulthood. Continue

Bratislava: City of Peace
Because of its unique geographic location, Slovakia has received the nickname Country in the heart of Europe. Nature has been kind to this small landlocked piece of land, gifting it numerous natural wonders. The capital of this lovely land is Bratislava, carrying several titles – among which is “city of peace”. Continue

Bratislava Markets
Location of Bratislava at the ford of the Danube River and close to the big centres of the then Monarchy predestined Bratislava to become an important business centre. Continue